Opening Wardrobes, Cupboards and Drawers
Opening door wardrobes, hinged door wardrobes, traditional wardrobes – they’re all the same! We offer a wide range of door styles and finishes so you can choose exactly what you like. We can cater for inexpensive designs, right up the ranges to very high quality vinyl and high gloss finishes!
We have two different ranges of opening wardrobes. Our ‘PVC Vienna’ range and our ‘Vinyl’ range.
Our ‘PVC Vienna’ range is a plain in style, laminated MFC door or drawer front.
Our ‘Vinyl’ range refers to all our vinyl wrapped door or drawer styles.
Read more about our opening door wardrobes in our customer information booklet. Click here to view.
Below are examples of our door and drawer styles and colours.
Please click on an image to view full screen.
Vinyl Door Styles
Vinyl Drawer Styles
Vinyl Door And Drawer Colour Finishes
Highland Green and all the High Gloss colour finishes do not have an exact carcass colour match. Therefore we will only manufacture these with contrasting carcasses.
High Gloss PVC Vienna doors will perfectly match the carcass.